Rock The World 11: Part 2

Rock The World 11, 10th December 2011, had two stages – here on the big stage was soulful rocker Reza Salleh!

A minor variation of his band with Fook on bass and the usual Hanafi on guitar.

Then came Maddame. When I first heard the chugging riffs, and I saw this dude looking (and rocking) a hell lot like Marty Friedman, I knew I was in for a treat!

I was thinking they were some sort of thrash/groove metal band with Pantera/Black Sabbath influences, until they introduced themselves as a grunge band.

Even when he shreds he looks like Marty Friedman!

Moshpit activated!

Gabba Gabba bring on the disco rock, over at the smaller stage outdoors.

Azure For Janne is hardcore.

Some familiar members from the scene.

Statik, doing powerpop.

The Jespers

…whose self-proclaimed genre is rock stylo.

Stubborn, a punk rock band.

As you might’ve guessed, it is harder to make a diptych of two pictures of a different aspect ratio.

Restraint is hardcore. Wider shots with the Samyang 35mm F1.4.

Pesawat, a high-flying band.

Modread does new wave.

Salam Musik, a ska band – you can always tell them from their necessary ingredients – a horn section, keyboardist and the occasional dreadlocked member.

Add a few more smiley faces for good measure.


They brought 90’s rock 2 decades ahead.



…who are emo hardcore. Pump your fists in the air!

Yes that is what the average emo/hardcore vocalist’s hair looks like when photographed – always in motion. Hardcore!

More to come after this!

More here:
Rock The World 11: The Crowd

I’ve also got pictures from various Pray for Alda Evan Tan gigs, but I’ll post those later as I still need to process them – these pictures above were actually processed before the blog entry before this, and I had just enough time to work out a blog post with pre-processed pictures. He has been moved to the High Dependency Unit from the Intensive Care Unit he was in, which is great news! Nevertheless, we can still help him out – hit the link below:

Pray for Alda Evan Tan

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