26th March 2015: Moonshine: Spotlight ft Platform 11, Tempered Mental, Emperor Obvious & Blund / March 2015 Edition, at The Bee, Publika!
That’s right boys and girls, Moonshine is back! Albeit not on a monthly basis, and not at the regular spot, Laundry Bar. It has gone from starting at No Black Tie, to Laundry Bar, to this, then Laundry Bar again, and this place again. Here’s Reza Salleh, organizer and emcee, and the one all the bands thank for the longest running music show in the Klang Valley!

First up?


They show up at Feedback Open Mic a lot.

This time however, we got to see them play their originals. Pretty catchy and a bit more rocking out! Shot with the Sigma 60mm F2.8 DN on the A7S on forced full-frame mode.

Fariz Salleh handles the merchandise booth. Same combination as above. You can barely notice the vignetting!

My Sony Alpha 7S was having some problems with the rear screen not working, so I borrowed Tang Chun Cheuh’s Sony Alpha 6000 as a backup camera.

Paired with the LA-EA4 adapter and Sony Carl Zeiss Sonnar T* 135mm F1.8 ZA, I got much more close up.

Back to the Sony Alpha 7S for a wider shot, of Emperor Obvious…

…and tight drum shots with the APS-C crop of the A6000.

They play a tight mix of what sounds to me like post-hardcore, the kind that I like.

Then, to the next band, who is superb at setting the mood.

The atmospheric Platform 11.


Smiley Ken Chung!

A mix of Chinese and English lyrics.

Fortunately, I didn’t need to bump up the ISO much, so the A6000 wasn’t too noisy.

This, for example, was at ISO100!

ISO200! At 1/200th of a second, F1.8.

The A7S though does stuff like this, ISO40000…

…or ISO51200.

Final band of the night.

The progressive-ish alternative rock of Tempered Mental!

Jimmy’s drum dynamics!

Jack’s lick of destiny!

Melina’s thumping bass!

Hameer closes the night.
All shots have EXIF included, so you can figure out which is with the A6000 and which with the A7S.