31st May 2015: SOUNDSTRUCK : FEST! at The Bee, Publika. Here’s They Forgot Jasmine!

Night Skies & Visions.

Cool bass stance.

I have a thing for triple-humbucker SG guitars.

A rather unique pickguard.


Talitha Tan.

Solo this time.

Deeply Mauved.

The boys!

The vocalist…

Melinya Sarah DeRich, usually seen behind the sound console. Her one time sound engineer boss was drummer for Seven Collar T-Shirt.

Cool-looking purple pedal.

Kelly Siew.

Omar on drums.

Vicky, the fill-in Crinkle Cut member, catching up with Korean dramas while playing keyboard.

She is right on point.

Always one fun performer to photograph.

Daniel comes up for a song.

Then came the open mic competition, with finalists battling it out to win the points of judges.

Here’s The Field Of Innocence/The F.O.I Band.

Lyanne Low Hui-Yi.

Spotted in the crowd: Tali Tgn, not to be confused with Tali Tan.

David Soh.

Lisa Sabrina.

I missed Amrita Soon’s open mic performance. Here, Kelly Siew being a judge, gives her comments.

Deborah Gan.

Kee Vern Lai.

Fuzzy was the last contestant.

Flying Pan.


They sang a special song…

…for an engagement proposal!

I was outside when the commotion happened so I missed the chance to get close, wide-angle shots.

Wanted Symphony.

An Honest Mistake.

Why is Darren Teh so shy?

A slightly different configuration…

…with Tomas on acoustic guitar instead of bass.

Then it was time to announce the winners, with Lyanne winning a cajon!

David Soh won a guitar.

Son Of A Policeman (SOAP).

This was a new lineup to me.

A familiar face.

For their song Maria, they all don fake moustaches.

Don’t know where his went.

Jee shows us that you don’t need a Keytar with a strap to rock out on stage. 61 keys beats any Keytar, anyway.

Joshua, frontman.

Takaki guest drums.

Daniel Wong, emcee and organizer.


They did a cover of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers theme song, awesome!

A deejay ended the night.