Sometime back on the 16th of August 2008 – the Xfresh X-Gig at Borneo Rainforest Cafe!
Secret Love Cookies.
It wasn’t all guys in the crowd, yay!
Skudap Skudip. Only with ska do you get a keyboardist’s hands jumping up and down like that.
“Jom kita berjoget!”
Grey Sky Mourning. The reason why all these shots seem a bit different, is because they were shot mostly at high shutter speeds between 1/200s and 1/2500s, at F4 ISO1600, with +3 flash exposure compensation. Oh and of course, a daylight-to-tungsten flash gel on my Sony HVL-F56AM, to create a different color for the flashed subject and the background. The flash head was set to 85mm zoom and pointed forwards (for maximum output) and either TTL or full power.
I then set my (then) Sony Alpha 700’s white balance to around 2800 Kelvin and it made the background look extra blue, when it was in fact daylight.
That’s how you dance!
That’s how you play indie bass guitar!
I really am not sure if he changed, or if he has a brother.
With auto WB, the background was really normal-colored. This is of course without flash.
Hanafi of Estranged, and his beloved Fender Jagstang (which unfortunately got stolen.)
Andy on drums!
Times have changed and so have Estranged – I felt rather estranged from them hearing them play softer Malay songs.
…that’s not to say that they no longer rock out, or jump.
Komplot! I love this band. Disco rock. The vocalist dressed campy enough, too!
The drummer feels it.
Dance To The Radio, a healthy dose of indie. They have a song about how they are not the Arctic Monkeys.
This is how you dance to the music.
Let’s go outside!