140mm film equivalent focal length. In other words, zoomed all the way in on my camera, but using the reverse macro trick I can focus that near.
The wheels stopped turning and the spark is gone. To get this lighting, I had to use flash, and bounce it towards the subject by putting my left hand over it like an umbrella. It gives it a nice warm tone anyway. 😀
Pointing a supermacro setup at spotlights make for interesting bokeh.
Transformers Cybertron Downshift, also using hand as a flash reflector.
Three lost screws from the Nikon Coolpix 2200 I disassembled.
This eye has probably seen more trashcans than I have. (I’ve tried with a tripod but focusing it is very hard. So hard, I have not succeeded.)
Hair looms. (This was the only picture that was cropped; the rest were really shot at that magnification.)
Guess what this is.
…and you might get this.
Also, check out Paul’s macro shots which he took using my Fujinon 50mm F1.4 lens, attached to his Nikkor 50mm F1.8D on his Nikon D80. I’m pretty sure I took that picture of the fly as he had trouble focusing on it. 😛
While at it, check out Paul’s Railwayday shots for some excellent moods in photos. And there he was, looking as uninspired as I was when I said I didn’t feel inspired to shoot anything at the KL Sentral KTM station.
the fly came out ridiculously nice
i’m going to ask the noobiest question ever to be posed on this blog.
is it possible for my digital camera to do macro focus? uhm, if that’s what you call it. macam, the object in front is sharp, and everything else in the background is blur. coz i googled tak jadi, didnt bring my manual, and i fiddle fiddle pun tak jadi. 🙁
Not bad, you really need a tripod and a macro rail to focus this thing properly though, I’d like to see an affordable DIY macro rail setup, see what you can come up with!
I have a real 1:1 macro lens aswell if you want to compare the results one day.
Cheneille, that’s not macro focus. that’s just playing around with depth of field. set to aperture priority (usually labelled A), and use the lowest number.
Hmmm…. This is not insane magnification just yet… I’m still playing around with the ultimate insane macro lens… Hahaha..and there are some cheap tripods that can be combined with a little superglue as well to make a macro rail…
Cheneille: Umm…If you don’t have aperture priority mode on your camera, or even no bokeh at all (My FZ5 has hardly any bokeh even at 2.8 wide open.) Zoom to the tele end of your camera in macro mode and bump up the iso if you can to get the camera to set a faster shutter speed and hopefully bigger aperture.
PT: hedek.
pink frog: ?????? what’s bokeh>?? PT said aperture, you said bokeh, omg, hedek HEDEK. but thanks. ^__^ I’m just hopeless with this, albert already texted me loads of info but somehow my close up shots still don’t come out how i’d like them to.
Im guessing that’s your ear.
Chen, read this: http://www.digisniper.com/2006/10/16/photography-basics-1-what-is-aperture-or-f-stopsf-number-depth-of-field/
ahhh..macro shots