I’ll Be Coming Home Next Year

Hey all. Happy new year to you too.

I went to the sweat jump-fest that was Rock The World 3. While it was set to end last year, it didn’t, and resulted in a blur-looking Emmett of grunge-rockers Butterfingers looking at the fireworks nearby, with that Oh expression, wishing “Happy New Year!” That was funny. 🙂

Now the interesting part was getting home; I was ready to duke it out in the puke-friendly streets of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia’s blooming capital’s city. Love Me Butch ended the roaring set just a few minutes past 1. However, had the show started on time (3 pm instead of 4:30 pm) it would not have spanned 2 years.

I walked with my to-be-unnamed fellow gig-goer down to KLCC to see crowds of lost-looking tired people of all ages. I thought only the young would go out and party! The two stairway entrances to the LRT station (a fast subway train system) were blocked by chains to an angry mob while KLCC was already closed.

Figuring that I would be unable to get to an LRT station otherwise, I called my mom who was adamant on giving me a lift to pick me up at say, KL Central. Since it was a train depot among other things, it would be open 24 hours a day and would be a safe place to wait.

My friend and I walked to the next stop, Ampang Park. Fortunately it was open and it wasn’t full. The line wasn’t that long though I didn’t queue up since I had a Touch and Go debit card.

As we walked down, we saw a bunch of angry-looking rockers banging the glass doors and booing the train as it whizzed off. I figured maybe they couldn’t get on the same train as their buddies? Soon my friend’s train came and we bid farewell.

The next train came, and it was empty! The crowd cheered! I haven’t seen a train ever been cheered for. Even more amusing was when the train whizzed past them, to more booing! In the background I noted an officer telling someone that the last train was at 2:30am only for that day. Take note of that kiddies!

Again, another empty train came, to more cheering. It was 2:10am. It stopped, and we rushed in the train. We cheered and clapped! I positioned myself near the door, against the wall, to make sure I wouldn’t be cramped in the next stop, the feared KLCC one. Oh and how my suspicions were right – KLCC was packed! The olfactorily-displeasing odors of sweaty moshers didn’t help, either. I got off at KL Sentral and went home. 🙂

Now for some updates to my About Me! page! Rocket Queen has a new URL while Thatfreak is back in his own domain.

6 thoughts on “I’ll Be Coming Home Next Year

  1. Patrick Post author

    Angry mob at KLCC, huh? Yup, that kinda sums it up just right. I was there first hand. But then, I guess you already know that.

  2. Albert Ng Post author

    Dude! I thought you were at Bintang Walk? Couldn’t call you at that time anyway. 🙁 End-of-the-year congestion!

  3. Pingback: What More Pictures | Glaring Notebook

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