Youth ’08 Day 1 – interview sessions with JFK one 18th of January 2008.
He was my ex-boss and founder of Xfresh, which once had the tagline, “Malaysia’s Premier Teen Community“. Ah, the good ol’ days!
Razif Hashim (who looks all the more evil after Jarum Halus.)
Indie film director. His name escapes me!
Oh hi *falls under shiny eye charm and forgets your name too*
Juwita Suwito.
All singer-songwriters have unique names, I’ll tell you that.
Nabil of Mentor and JFK, former host of Mentor.
All shots with the Minolta 70-210mm F4 beercan (except the first shot, with smashpOp‘s Sony 11-18mm F4.5-5.6 DT.)
Ooo, Melissa Campbell!
Sweet sixteen! (At the time this was taken.) So she’s still a minor at time of writing.
“It’s okay Johnathan Putra, I’m sure she has an older sister…” Han Sen consoles.
Here she looks a bit like Su Ann!
Cat Farish.
All shots from this interview set were taken with Nic Chan‘s beautiful Sony Carl Zeiss 135mm F1.8. The tonality and glow that it gives faces is simply amazing!
I spy…
And here, she looks a bit like Suet Li!
I find this angle to be rather interesting for interviews.
Haha Mel..
I’ve known Mel for almost 10 years now! We went to the same primary school all the way till I graduated from Sri KDU.
Damn, how do you know all the hot chicks man!
"And here, she looks a bit like Suet Li!"
"Here she looks a bit like Su Ann!"
both a goddamn tru.
brian.: Dang.
real_cranium: Yeah maaan. Like the best bits of them combined!
that "indie film director" is alvin wong.
Thanks tyjytj!