Hey Girl Where You At?

Me: Hey I’m here already! Where you at?
She: Hi! I’m at Spade!
Me: What?
She: Spade!
Me: Er, where is that?
She: Oh, it’s opposite PrimaVera…
Me: Er…
She: Near Skin Food?
Me: What floor is it on?
She: Oh, first floor!

It would help greatly if landmarks were not boutiques – I am, after all, an unfashionable straight man and we unfashionable straight men are completely oblivious to such shops.

12 thoughts on “Hey Girl Where You At?

  1. Patrick Post author

    Haha… they invented something really cool. It’s called a mall directory. You look at it and it tells you where shops are. It now comes in interactive touch screen 😛

  2. Waifon Post author

    im actually grateful that i know the mall well enough to know what goes where. and i really didn’t know which floor was i at honest mistake okay :/ ive been to that place soooooo many times but i still had to call and ask which is the south and north court and which was the entrance where i normally grab a cab. it will be easier if you could tell me if it’s the kookai or the naf naf side. that will stick heh.

  3. shootkk Post author

    Oh, yeah! completely agree! Never quote us guys with names of boutique. Names of fast food outlets and gadget shops will do more to help but then these shops will be oblivious to them gals!!!

  4. Albert Ng Post author

    Patrick: They’ve also invented something called Google Maps but you called me about directions. 😛

    Lordson: LOL yeah man!

    Waifon: I would see shops and be able to tell if it was North or South side. Well just not by boutiques but possibly everything else. This makes for an interesting game!

    Will: You’re just a bit more disturbingly clued in.

    Frankie: Nolah Midvalley very linear what. 😀 Maybe that’s the problem; 1 Utama has distinct, separate sections which are not easily confused with each other e.g. Phase 1, Old Wing, Rainforest, Oval, etc.

    shootkk: LOL yes! Fast food!

    signither: Heh thanks!


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