20th March 2010 – Seth Lael serenades Shelley Leong.
This banjo gets the ladies. Well, he can only use it on Shelley now. Why?
…because you guys are married! Congratulations!
Here’s another happy pair – ZOOM stereo microphones!
Shelley has flowers in her hair. She doesn’t know what they look like.
When you invite a bunch of musicians you get music!
She’s electric.
Hold on a moment.
Apparently in America they have weddings in houses! This was not your average Chinese ballroom wedding.
Rewind to 12th December 2009 – where Muazam and Sazai got married! Spot meter and no flash used, to blow out the background.
Amir in the shade.
Azam does a sarge.
Azam senses tracks! Where did they go?
Zeiss 135mm F1.8 does a shallow depth of field.
This is what holds it all together.
“Eh betul ke lirik ini?”
Not a wedding gift.
Should’ve took one step to the right to aim the signboard at the tire. Ah well!