What’s In A Name?

I wonder if it’s a coincidence that the few movies that I’ve seen with Matt Damon in them have names in them. Not only names, but names that are easily confused for English words.

For example, “Good Will Hunting“. Its grammatical structure puzzled me for ages. Shouldn’t it be “Good Hunting Will” at least? How was I supposed to know that Will Hunting was a name?

Then there’s “Ocean’s Twelve“. Why not “Twelve Oceans” or “Ocean Twelve“? It wasn’t till I watched “Ocean’s Eleven” that I understood that Billy Ocean was a name.

Of course, I knew that “Saving Private Ryan” starred Matt Damon as Private Ryan, and should not be read as “Saving Ryan Privately“.

I researched and found that there were a few more coincidences – “The Bourne Identity” and “The Bourne Supremacy” were both grammatically correct, if Bourne was a British way of spelling Borne. “The Majestic” is the name of a cinema.

At least a title like “Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron” made it somewhat obvious that Spirit was a horse. But heck, that movie kept me at the edge of my seat. Leaning forwards, hand in elbow that is.

0 thoughts on “What’s In A Name?

  1. Lex Post author

    What’s with u and matt damon? and gawd, cmon u didn’t know Ocean was a name? It was a remake in the first place and u should have known…weirdly enuff

  2. Albert Ng Post author

    I had never heard of Ocean’s Eleven before this. I had never heard of The Bourne Identity either.


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