The Art Of Social Bluffing

Bluffing, in this case, is not “eh are you bluffing me?” but the art of pretending to look smarter than you are.

Case 1

Ever bumped into a familiar person and forgot his/her name? No problem!

You: What’s up duuude?
(Name has been withheld from lousy memory): Heyyy!
You: How’ve you been?

You then go into conversation, as if you greeted the person by name. Well even if you don’t remember their name, you remember where you’ve met them and what you’ve done together, right?

Whatever you do, do not start with:

You: Heyyyyy I know you! (This line just reeks of “I forgot your name!“-ness.)

It’s even easier when you’re with a friend. Do not introduce them to each other – let them introduce themselves. Then, as you go on separate paths, you say, “See ya (name withheld)!

Case 2

A person is looking at you with that expression that says that you’re familiar, but you don’t recognize him/her.

You: Heyyy! Do I know you from somewhere? (Yes, get his/her hopes up and act.)
(Person who thinks you’re familiar): Er yeah! I know you from…
You: Oh sorry, I don’t go to/I don’t hang out at/I’m not into… (That’s your exit line.)
(Person embarrassed): Oops sorry, wrong person then.

By then he/she would have walked away, embarrassed.

Case 3

You recognize the person, but you’re not sure that it’s him/her.

You: Heyyy! Do I know you from somewhere? (Pretend that you’re sure it’s him/her.)

There are two cases:

(Familiar person): Yeah! I know you from… (You should rejoice and know what to do then.)

The second case:

(Familiar person): Er… no?
You: Oops sorry, wrong person then.

Do not run off embarrassed.

Whatever it is, do not greet the familiar person by name. Don’t go, “Heyyy aren’t you (insert wrong name)?” If it’s not him/her, you will look like a fool.

4 thoughts on “The Art Of Social Bluffing

  1. Syefri Post author

    to make the trick works. You can use "dude" or "man"…it works with guys. *LOL*
    -the king of "i dunno the name liao"

  2. tech Post author

    if i forgotten who that person is, i simply ask this question…
    "when was the last time we met eh?"(jokingly tone) me, it always work. but then when everything else fails, give some stupid reason and walk off.


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