Young And Smokin’

The legal age to purchase cigarettes in Malaysia is 18 years of age, but did you know that the legal age to sell cigarettes is 21?

Knowing this, you could annoy your young friends. Ask if you could have a cigarette. Then, ask for another.

“Eh. Not free you know. Cigarette prices keep increasing, you know?”

That’s when you bust his entrepreneuring ass.

Of course, if you have a friend who would give you a cigarette for free, you might wanna keep him/her.

This also explains why there are cigarette-branded girls who walk around, collecting your information but not selling cigarettes.

Edit: Missed the not there. LOL!

P.S. Albert does not smoke cigarettes and does not suggest that you smoke as a social skill. I’ve seen enough newbies tipping ash over girls’ skirts, puffing awkwardly and coughing frantically after that. Please don’t do it because you wanna look cool. Albert however is a proponent of freeloading, so he won’t be hypocritical and tell you not to mooch off your friends. 🙂

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