
I bought a short tripod today, for macro photography. Two of three legs can swivel. The head is mounted via a ball socket, and is tightened by a knob to its side. Of course, for only RM19 at a camera shop in KL Sentral, it couldn’t fully tighten, but it was tight enough to hold the weight of the camera in place. (This picture was a long exposure, with a lamp moved around the subject. Future macro shots may feature this move-lamp-and-kill-shadow technique.)

All three legs can be extended, for creative control over the tripod’s angle and elevation.

This is its specialty – it can be used to hold filters in place. Featured is my old Canon Powershot A400, with a circular polarizer held in place with the tripod’s legs. It is easier to position, the nearer the tripod mount is to the lens. If the upcoming Fujifilm F30 still doesn’t have a lens adapter, I might have to resort to this. If I get it, that is.

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