Eve Eve Reprieve

30th December 2006 was the New Year’s Eve’s Eve show at No Black Tie, featuring many acts that played there the whole year.

Rhapsody in a post-chorus pose.

Melina to Stephanie: So, you’ve finally crawled out from behind the drums to a more visible spot.


Jangan tak rock.

The Sofa Sessions. Yeah, I’m bootlegging them performing Pink Floyd – Wish You Were Here!

No bassist this time, but featuring Aznan Aziz of Blues Gang! (Last seen over two years ago at what was then Titus Blues Avenue and is now The Wall.)

Next up: Engineer turned lounge-singer Shanon Shah. He now writes beautiful songs about love and Star Wars. One of the most fun, and funny, performers that night. And hello there thanks for reading my blog! 😀

Zalila Lee (not in picture) featuring Jerral Khor and Zack Kim (that once-long-haired shredder for Cosmic Funk Express!)

I had to rush out for some errands. On the way out I snapped a crane.

Hishamuddin Rais was next. Who? He sounded like some minister or someone important. His stand-up skit was initially funny, but turned ugly when he starting saying, “You know what I hate about Nigerians?” He then turned into a shouting political crowd-riser.

Yeah, he got a rise from the crowd indeed, sounding like, “Get off the stage!

Jasiminne prays: Finish your speech already!

No creative lighting system was used in this picture. Place model, frame shot, and shoot.

What was all that about?

A quick Google search on my phone revealed that he was the director of “Dari Jemapoh Ke Manchestee“, who was detained under ISA (strangely not associated with any party, calling himself a NGI (Non-Governmental Individual)). Apparently, quite the exile, too.

Back to the music with organizer Reza Salleh, the dude with the sexy voice and soulful rock ballads.

Stephanie relegates back to the drumset.

Isaac Entry, blues meister.

His fellow blues harpist.

(I don’t know why they call a blues harp a harmonica. Or why they call a harmonica a blues harp.)

Silent Scream, ending the show with some rock that night.

Apparently there’s Moonshine this Thursday at Laundry Bar, but I can’t find the lineup anywhere just yet. Hurry up Reza!

9 thoughts on “Eve Eve Reprieve

  1. Ian Post author

    Dude, the lineup is as follows:

    This event needs no introduction, having being one of the key binding elements for fans and performers of the Iocal Indie music scene, it has witnessed enough performers to have fans listening in circles. For the month of January, Moonshine is proud to bring you Paolo Delfino, The IG Collective, Oddstars and Karen Nunis Blackstone.

    I got it from..um, forgot which site but hey, you got your answer.

    See you there. LOL

  2. Pinkfrog Post author

    The metering of that photo (jasiminne’s) is pretty interesting…quite good if you didn’t compensate in fact and stayed in evaluative… it salvaged the hair while it only burnt out a little of the face…the dynamic range should be able to salvage the highlights if you took in RAW…hehe.. Looks like the Alpha’s metering firmware is quite smart…kudos!

  3. Albert Ng Post author

    Now that you pointed it out, that’s rather interesting. ISO1600, Aperture Priority on F1.4, Evaluative metering (allowing Dynamic Range Optimizer Advanced mode). Exposure compensation 0 for all her shots… which makes me wonder how the second shot was exposed artistically correct.

    Silencers: You were stuck down in front; she was stuck up there and was there for a short while only.

  4. joni Post author

    goodness, i havent seen Rizal in yonks and he’s grown his hair out!hahahahhha he’s pretty now! 😛 [shh]

  5. ShaolinTiger Post author

    B&W shouldn’t be what happens when you try and rescue a bad shot..

    Too many people do that! You should shoot for B&W, I find it gives a fantastic feel for music/event type shots as you don’t have any distractions from the lighting or colourful backgrounds, you just can focus purely on the subject.

  6. Albert Ng Post author

    Shhh. 😀

    I’ve never quite liked doing black-and-white shots. I always felt it was gimmicky. Or rather, if I meant to do a black-and-white, it would be in post-processing so I can tweak the six channels of Hue/Saturation/Lightness. 😀 Sometimes the lighting is just too mixed.

    Okay, infrared is gimmicky too but it’s not seen everywhere.

    I did however like shooting on black-and-white film with a red filter. It’s the closest to unprocessed, contrasty tones.


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