Heart, I Must, Music

Groovejunction, a new jazz bar opened on the 15th of March 2007. I came on the 16th, featuring the same launching lineup:

Lewis Prasagam, Yamaha endorsee and virtuoso drummer. 210mm F4 on the beercan. (Exposure data shall tread the fine line of informativeness without being geek just yet, because I say so.)

I forgot the bassist’s name.

Jose Thomas! Yeah he owns the bar, yo.

Shutter Priority, 1/6th of a second, ISO1600 with flash, to get trails of color!

Drum solo!

Jose also did a teeth solo as is customary, and I didn’t catch it on camera. 🙁 It’s otherwise hard to catch these veterans anywhere else than the Mont Kiara Sunrise Jazz Fest and say Alexis Bar, Ampang.

I then hopped over to JamAsia, to find a ruckus going on.

Reza Salleh‘s other gig series – Feedback!

Ziel, mathematical metal or math-tal, I’d say.

Happy headbangers.

For once, a healthy ratio between female and male headbangers. Heh.

21st March 2007 – College Night in JamAsia, with Hotscotch, a funky soulful rock band. I think.

This particular gig shoot would be a bit different, because I was showing Xian Jin some shots at KLPAC, which got me thinking about shooting from such a position to get a balance of different colored stage light. The right angles would decrease dramatic shadows.

Andrea can sing. She also always has a smile on her face. Good showmusicianship!

Collin Nunis, blues shredder. Intentionally shot at an angle so that he would be lit evenly by both colors. I also waited for him to step under the light so his hair would be lit!

He has a most kickass funk vibe, despite having a tiny wah pedal. If you can call that a pedal.

The drummer looks a bit like Asyraf Sinclair.

I went to watch Kingsley rock out.

Again, I forgot the bassist’s name.

Shoes, for you girls.

Guest vocalist.

Irotori, this other thrash/power metal band was supposed to play, but they pulled out, so Hotscotch was made to become a pub band and entertain everybody for the rest of the night.

I screamed, “FREEBIRD!

The bassist then went, “Freebird? Did somebody say Freebird?” annoyedly.

I later found out that the rest of the band loved Lynyrd Skynyrd, but the bassist hated the song. I won’t stop shouting “FREEBIRD!” until somebody plays it!

The tradition is that at every rock concert (in America, at least), whenever there is a silence in the performance between songs, a bunch of drunken guys would call for Freebird. Even if it’s a punk rock band on stage.

The more sporting ones would attempt to cover the 9-minute classic rock triple-guitar-solo fest.

Kingsley, master of mini percussive units.

I don’t know who these people are or how to send them the picture so here goes. Someone out there might know them and direct them here.

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