Disco Super Fly

Jamasia, 25th May 2007, was the electric Fireflies gig, titled Someone At Junk Says Our Gig Titles Are Too Long. SULK. We can all thank Ching for the catchy gig titles. 😀

Today, I’d also like to celebrate the conservation of bandwidth, since someone in my family just got dial-up. Pictures will be smaller.

Flow plays reggae rock. They did an excellent cover of 311 – Creatures.

Frequency Cannon. Jangan tak rock. Long time no see these boys.

This was the first gig I brought my Minolta Dynax 7 to.

One of the three drummer brothers.

Ching and Kuachee the singer in a divine cosmic moment.


Have you seen my pick?

Couple. Rock and roll, rock and roll. The best of the classic Britpop sound.

“Chinese People” Chak of Superbar.

Superbar did a cover of Huey Lewis And The News – The Power Of Love. Old school! This was from the soundtrack of Back To The Future.

Guess which shots were from the Dynax 7, and which were from the Sony A100. Here’s a hint: The Peleng 8mm F3.5 circular fisheye becomes a diagonal fisheye on the Sony A100.

Plush. All-girl band.

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