Religion Realism

My preferred definition of Altruism: Instinctive cooperative behavior that is detrimental to the individual but contributes to the survival of the species.

I think I can safely say that altruism is my religion. God, or the natural goodness, exists in everybody, and it wouldn’t hurt to be excellent to each other. It’s like karma in a way. What’s good… no wait, what’s bad goes around. Bad things tend to snowball.

What about life and death? I’ve had this theory since I was 13. There is no hell or heaven. Life is a form of energy (closest in form to chemical energy), and as energy cannot be created or destroyed, when we die we are merely reborn in the nearest lifeform, like the bacteria feeding on our dead body. When that bacteria dies, you may be reborn as another bacteria. If you’re lucky, you’ll cross over to being a fly. How do you become human again? Die as your parents’ pubic lice.

Now given that the world’s population is increasing, where is this extra energy coming from? The trees and animals that we make extinct from expanding our backyards. Don’t forget the millions of microorganisms in a cubic centimeter. I haven’t even taken into consideration that energy can change from one form to another.

2 thoughts on “Religion Realism

  1. will Post author

    Haha, your theory sounds like the FF theory of Gaia etc. I think it’s simply like machines, you break down or get destroyed. The End.


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