Skirt Lifts

So I came down to Cheer 2007 right after Robotcon and missed about everything except the last performance. Ah, the smell of camaraderie, sports bras and synchronized periods.

But first, AC Mizal! Am I the only hardened rocker who realizes the clever pun in the name of his show, AC Di Sini? AC/DC ni? Geddit?

The last performance – Charm Allstars! (Could there be possible pantysniffing perverts and lesbians out of girls schools?)

Cheerleaders fell from the sky!

What an acrobatic sight. I thought only Super Mario jumped more than twice his height.

Somewhere among the supporting placards, somebody comes along with an important community message!

I always wondered where they got their funky custom outfits. I now know their sponsor!

Sarah Tan and Jien, hosts that Sunday. And yes, this is a Minolta 70-210mm F4 beercan lens ad, where every picture except the first was shot with this lens.

Dynamitez won. They seem disappointed that their trophy looks like a cracked egg shell. Where are the shreds?

Wow, you want to do the teleporting maneuver on me? What an honor!

Beam me up Scotty!

I’m guessing he wished to teleport to the girls’ dressing room.

Because bam! The Titans came out of nowhere.

They also turned the world upside-down.

Magic tricks! The black banner quickly vanished down the middle into the white one. Clever.

And now, for the Dynamitez!

Explosive performance indeed. No exploding drummers, though.

Way after the show ended. “Over here la turn around stop perving up some other girl’s skirt shoot me woi!

Everybody was happy and cheery, I wanted to go up to a random girl and hug her and go “I can’t believe we got in the Top 3!” My bisexual friend, she… wanted to do so, too. 😀

I bumped into Goh Hao Wei there, with his Canon EOS 350D with battery grip, Canon EF-S 17-55mm F2.8 IS USM and Canon EF 70-200mm F4L (non-IS) USM. I wondered why he needed a battery grip when using the lightweight 70-200mm F4L USM, as my Sony A100 with Minolta 70-210mm F4 beercan lens was light enough to use in portrait mode without hesitation or strain.

It wasn’t until I held the camera’s grip and turned it sideways that I found out why. It was hard to grip sideways, as the grip was shallow! It was nothing to do with weight.

I could always quickly turn the Sony A100 anti-clockwise OR clockwise and it would not strain my arm. The clockwise turn is for a quick shot from above, grip nearest to you. The anti-clockwise turn lets you snipe something upwards in portrait orientation.

The Canon battery grip was far more substantial and let me do such stunts. 🙂

Oh, and of course, the Canon ultra-sonic motor was sweet. However, if you know how a SLR’s AF works you’d know how to avoid hunting. Oh, and its bokeh was creamy like my beercan.

7 thoughts on “Skirt Lifts

  1. ShaolinTiger Post author

    Yeah few friends went to this one too, pretty interesting.

    Good results for low light.

  2. Albert Ng Post author

    pinkpau: Stop going to places where you can get Krispy Kreme! I will come for you the moment you land.

    ShaolinTiger: Thanks! I was at F4.0 ISO400 mostly, getting speeds around 1/30-1/60s. Using burst drive mode wasn’t as easy as I thought, especially when following a cheerleader toss, as all the shots would have my overeager motion blur.

  3. Matthew Post author

    I did attend last year when my ex-school participated.

    My friends called me a sissy when they knew ’bout it, Haha.

    Had to give this year’s a miss. 😛


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