Rewind to The Idea Of North, Alexis Bistro, Great Eastern Mall, some 28th of November 2007.
Nicholas Begbie on tenor. The young awkward dude.
Andrew Piper on bass! He looks a bit like Will Ferrell.
Patricia Delaney-Brown on soprano.
Naomi Crellin on alto.
This German vocal-effect-ful song, My Hat It Has Three Corners, was cute!
Some of the songs performed were Sergio Mendez – Mas Que Nada (yeah the song that bastardized with the Black Eyed Peas), The Beatles – Sister Sadie, Sting – Fields Of Gold and Bee Gees – Stayin’ Alive. There were also jazz standards which I never knew the names of.
Then there was Stevie Wonder – Isn’t She Lovely (with an excellent vocal harmonica solo by Nick.)
Though, to be honest, I wasn’t completely blown away until they did the vocal effect bits. There’d be nothing to set them aside from a top-notch acapella group that does contemporary covers. In that sense, maybe I like unconventional acapella, like simulating the sound of a car starting or rockapella. It gets far more interesting when they simulate the sound of drum rolls!
That said, maybe it takes a finer ear than my rock-corroded receptors to appreciate how they pull off the simpler-sounding, less flashy stuff.
On a technical note, I shot all of these from a table next to the entrance of Alexis. Yes, that’s right, all the way at the end. Thanks Nicholas for letting us crash your table! Shot with either the Minolta 50mm F1.4 or Minolta 70-210mm F4 beercan at ISO1600 or ISO3200 on the Sony Alpha 700 and cropped a lot to show you how much I can get out of a ISO3200 shot. Interestingly, the noise reduction at higher ISOs on the Sony is luminance noise reduction, not chroma noise reduction like on the Nikons. Debateably the Nikon may look better at 100% because it has monochromatic noise and doesn’t have blotches of color… but the Sony retains color fidelity and tone even at ISO6400.
To simulate chroma noise reduction, load a noisy image in Photoshop, duplicate the layer, apply a Gaussian Blur of say 3 pixels, then change the Blending Mode to Color and Flatten Image. Notice that the edges lose color and you get a pastier look.
More on this here:
Alpha 700 shoots the Cirque du Soleil