Monthly Archives: June 2009

The A330 Has Landed

I tried a production copy of the brand new Sony Alpha 330!

Its box is amazingly small; you could come home with it in a paper bag and nobody would know that you bought something big.

The DSLR-A330L package, with the new Sony 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 DT SAM lens, goes for RM2


Ever noticed that rappers don’t ever, ever sing? It’s like a major Doo Not.

So today I discovered a rapper who does sing! *

That’s Neneh Cherry – Buffalo Stance. Wow, rap, soul and new wave all in one! Why have I not discovered her earlier?

I think it’s funny how often, a certain song that doesn’t fit the usual genre of an artiste, makes you appreciate other artistes. Faith No More – Stripsearch, for example, is a brooding electronic piece – because I liked it, I enjoyed Neneh Cherry – Manchild!

That’s not to say that it would be uncharacteristic of Faith No More to have schizophrenic genres… their cover of Black Sabbath – War Pigs is what got me hooked onto Ozzy’s classic lineup at first. Sorry Dio, you know I went to see you in Singapore, but I still prefer the croaking geezer. No, not Geezer Butler though I did see him too!

I didn’t get Auburn‘s music at first, but after a few times it got in my randomizer, I got it, and enjoyed it! Just recently I discovered Silverchair and realized the resemblance. If I didn’t like Auburn I probably wouldn’t have liked Silverchair. I couldn’t rock to Love Me Butch‘s This Is The New Pop album at first, but a few listens to Funeral For A Friend and then I understood.

* Okay so technically Hunny Madu sings and raps too. Hello if you are reading this see I remember yo multi-colored friend!

A Little Less Sixteen Candles

(Click on any picture to view a bigger version.)

Zoe is sad because we were chased by security guards. “Can you make me taller?

With a wide-angle lens and shooting at a sharp angle, I can!

Yes, we relocated to the Kelana Jaya Park.

Zoe is sad because she missed her garden wedding.

There are things you can do to amuse yourself and be happy.

For example, tying your hair up releases some heat from the back of your head. I know this!

Extreme closeup before I take on the role of hairstylist!

I forgot to ask if she had an older sister.

Part One here.

Sweet Sixteen… Year Old

(Click on any picture to view a bigger version.)

Zoe! (Or is it your domain? I am confused.)

Zoe Yve is a smiley 16-year-old lass.

I pointed out that she wasn’t making a heart, but rather a heart-shaped hole. In other words, an anti-heart.

And so, she turned emo.

Alvan tries to cheer her up. “Let’s go to the waterfall!“, he says.

Why yes I like that idea, and some ice-cream!

And so, we have the cliche shot.

However, she takes it one step cuter!

Thanks Kenny for taking this shot though I would’ve composed it where the red dotted lines are; the man on the left with the walkie talkie was the security guard who pestered us off Jaya One.

Oh and thanks to Wingz for organizing this shoot and inviting me!

More to come, from our next location, after this!