The Singer Songwriters Round number something

15th November 2007 – the Singer Songwriters Round in No Black Tie!

Pete Teo, folk singer/indie movie star who founded the round.

Melina William, who played her Tempered Mental progressive-rock stuff all on acoustic, because she wrote all the bits and riffs and chord changes and can thus superhumanly play them all at once. This was why I came, really; to see her infuse basslines, riffs and licks from her band’s songs. Oh, and sing atop all these complex rhythm changes, too!

Reta is transfixed.

Hold… still… hold… still…

Knowing that most people look hilarious or have something stuck up their nose when they look through a viewfinder, I don’t close my other eye unless I’m manually focusing on darker lenses.

Azmyl Yunor, ever the solid folk singin’ busker dude.

Mia Palencia, superb jazz and soulful voice.

And then it was open mike, with Raffique Rashid dragged up (according to him, from his grave) and he played somewhat uh… dramatic folk? His storytelling voice was haunting, and yet had immense machoness. Songs like Dylan (and some other thing about a woman scorned) were hilarious!

Reza Salleh and his alternacoustic rock.

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