Fly FM Campur Chart, 24th January 2008, exactly a month ago. Hooray my gig pictures are not so delayed anymore!
I brought my Vivitar Series 1 28-105mm F2.8-3.8 push-pull and made this! It involves slow shutter speed and a push-pull. Yeah, normal zoom rings won’t get such a smooth action. 😛
Oh yeah, this is Silent Scream.
(Normal shot.) Alternative hard rock for the masses!
Dude you forgot to call me about the pictures!
Ooo, that’s Keng on bass and for some reason he is standing behind the drummer.
Ooo, Cyndi looks angry. And Jiameei looks so cute how can you not want to pinch her cheeks and then put her in your front pocket?
Who is hip hop.
This is Kuachee.
This is Azrul.
This is Yu-Ri.
This is the second guitarist, Siva eh waitaminute where’s Siva?
This is Dino.
They play happy jumpy rock.
So happy, it’s contagious! (I was trying to do an Ozzy Osbourne here.)
And this is the thing I do with my fisheye where I stick the camera in front of people and flash.
Now she gets it!
Jiameei: “I want fisheye too!”
Sure, I did, but I socked her in the jaw before this picture.
eh albert;now where’s those bootiful pics u owe me on that day???
i wannnntttt
am loving the effects of the push-pull lens! so cool! 😀
Stunning pictures.
babalu: Mekkk tunggu lah when I get back from Redang I’ll get on MSN. You lah so fussy every picture also not nice how do I know which one to send to you?
saifulrizan: Thanks dude!
Melissa: Yeah man it gives me a newfound love for that lens. It’s already a great optical performer!
Wah look at my mata marah intense :p
and ya allah ya tuhanku, gambar blackmail doh.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! issokay I forgive you for the dislocation of my jaw
And yes why Cyndi so angry!
Jia Meei: Thank you for forgiving me! "issokay" is so cute, I don’t remember where I first heard this.