Dig Be Marie

14th May 2008 – GAP presents Marie Digby Live in Kuala Lumpur!

Yes, this Japanese-Irish mix is singing to a MIX FM microphone.

Wow, it can get real lonely up here. Lydia look she looks like you here!

Snap your fingers and toes!

While I sing, my barely-photographed guitarist will tune up.

No, YOUR guitar is out of tune!

She didn’t do any covers other than Rihanna – Umbrella I think.

Girl: Nice boots! Guy: Nice guitar!

Yes, she is as pretty as her videos show, and her voice is just like the videos, too! There was certainly a more Live feeling about this performance since it was just her, her guitar, her guitarist and her guitarist’s guitar.

All landscape shots were shot with my Minolta 70-210mm F4 “beercan” upside down. Yes, upside down! So I can get a higher angle while using the camera like a periscope.

12 thoughts on “Dig Be Marie

  1. missorangedepp Post author

    I miss you alberto wacky ape-y monkey:( I’ll be back in july!!!! for my birthday!! can you believe it? it’s one year already. I have so many stories from my adventures to tell you hehe let’s go makan indomee boleh?

  2. Albert Ng Post author

    missorangedepp: Yes we will dippeth the possum in sauce!

    Nicholas.C: Yeah man, the way the beercan is! I think it was enhanced by the light fall-off created by the out-of-focus human hands.

    Ewin: Thanks! I didn’t even notice until editing time.

    BB: *smile boyly*

    babalu kambing: Sabarlah. Isssh.

  3. Lydia Post author

    I’M HERE! I’M HERE! and no lah where got… we don’t look alike at all. wish i was there. there, there and there. the gap event, moonshine and the cookie thing you asked me the other day. hehehe lex is going to kill me for always ffk-ing her!


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