And now, something almost exactly one year before my last blog post, on the 4th of April 2009.
MissyEllio commissioned me to take pictures of a site she was going to be doing some heavy duty architecturin’ on. Yes, that is almost a stock photo of an architect.
However, we also went around Ipoh to find… emptiness.
What does she see? Lines and boxes and little plastic people? 3 elevations?
Camera nuts see a Sigma 17-35mm F2.8-4 EX and a brick wall, perfect for pixel-peeping lens tests.
Oh look brick wall camwhore time!
More camwhoring – motif being “where’s my driver?” Yes, there was a third party.
I joined in, since I could not resist taking pictures of myself being in a hypothetical band.
Ah, joy for the stomach! The real thing, Ipoh White Coffee and the works.