30th December 2010 – Moonshine presents NBT Acoustic Countdown 2010, at No Black Tie! Here’s Paolo Delfino on the left and Az Samad on the right.
Moonshine is organized by singing, songwriting, gig-organizing Reza Salleh.
No Black Tie is a cosy enclove in Jalan Mesui, in the back streets of Jalan Bukit Bintang. For such a place it has two floors and a sweet balcony!
Az is playing his emo chord. He also sold his most emo CD to date, Emo Attack Turtle. I can’t say I could get used to emo fingerstyle quickly…
Yin, who would otherwise look blue in color photography when lit by her phone.
Jerome Kugan, who brings soul to electronica. Except he wasn’t equipped with a keyboard or laptop this time, but just a guitar!
Azmyl Yunor, busker statesman, uses only his harp and guitar.
Otam, he got the blues.
The acoustic countdown was down in round-robin fashion – 3 singer-songwriters would come up to stage, and take turns to perform. So here’s Jerome bopping to either Azmyl or Otam, I think, or taking a soulful breather.