Circa 2009, Part 1

Rewind to 2009 (hey that rhymes!)

I was still working in Digital Five, where we had Dr. Noor our Creative Director hook all the designers up with Macs. Yeah he is striking a Steve Jobs pose here.

Ever radiant Zoey!

Zoey and colleagues through 17mm on the A900.

Farid oversees the systems.

Kavitha D.

Rosly, through the Zeiss 135mm F1.8. This reminds me of Sarge of Quake 3.

Sometime late after work, at Technology Park Malaysia.

KJ through the fisheye.

KJ through the Minolta 35mm F1.4 on the A900. This picture is rare because it shows him working.

Me and one of my old guilty pastimes – eating toast bread.

Rames and his trigger.

Joshua and Rames. Check the matching patterned shoes and Nokia 5800 Xpress Music phones!

Jason, before planking was invented.

Tarquin, fire artist.

Quite cool, this!

Ringo and me, separated by glass.

Register your vote sir?

Yes I voted for her. 🙂

Xian Jin through the Zeiss 135mm F1.8.

Somewhere in Pavilion.

Cheneille at La Bodega Lounge, Telawi, Bangsar.

KJ, also somewhere in Bangsar.


Bum City, at Cineleisure, now known as something else un-English.

Trent versus my hair.

Aznin at her new house that looks surprisingly similiar to the old one in terms of layout.

Sweepers, Kelana Jaya.

Winner, KLCC.

Pin Pin, Jalan Ipoh.

5 thoughts on “Circa 2009, Part 1

  1. KJ Post author

    that’s a broken chair btw smashie.. hahaha =P and i think the location is slightly different now already


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