Feedback Open Mic at The Bee, Publika, 26th June 2012! Here’s Ashley and Gavin.
All shots with the Sony NEX-5 and Opteka 85mm F1.4 on the Sony LA-EA1 adapter.
Stanley Oh and Neo Ann Na form the formidable Oh Neo! (You’ll not forget the band name from the makeshift shaker.)
Crispy Christian Palencia.
Reina, I think.
Tiah with an all-star band.
Her friend joins her for a bit of vocals.
Sharon Chong! She has many hats.
Her sister, Yvonne Chong, joins her in hat-dom and vocal duty.
Raksasa awakens from his slumber for some outerworldly music.
Jessica showed me an article that came out about him, in Juice Magazine.
It was also Ann Na’s birthday! I’d later know these faces in detail.
What the cakes say?
Ronan King, I think.
The amazing Elvira Arul makes a surprise appearance!
Nish Tham surprises us with a vocal performance, after years of cajoling.