I’ve met Sarah at quite a few KLue Chillout Sessions and not knew it. (She was my distraught friend’s friend.)
I found out why their friend was also so familiar, two days later, at the Sunday session. Turns out she was a girl we met at an excolleague’s party, where I was used as a scapegoat. (Let’s call him Fei, as his real name; he is shameless and this is a shameless plug!) He was asking her questions about this sweet-young-Mariah-Carey-lookalike, supposedly doing the getting-to-know-you’s for me.
Today was no different; a local rockstar celebrity tried to hit on her. Well for one he didn’t look too rockstar, and I fear revealing too much as these people are all online, and I know just as well as you do that we often find time to do our research.
To my relief, she said that Fei was better at er, flirting.
I found the post-flirt analysis/dissectomy amusing. The rockstar dude asked if she hung out at the mamak. She told him, “no”. This, she said, as we walked to Devi’s Corner where I had my tummy-disturbing cheese naan.
Hmm. She could’ve said, “The Mamak? Is that along Jalan Sultan Ismail (or high-class eatery lane) somewhere? Does it serve escargot? I love Italian food!”
Girls, remember this coverline! It will get you out of mamak dates. Guys, remember that escargot is French, and that the time you save after being rejected could be used by giving me the name and number of the chick who actually reads my blog and uses this coverline.
Now you must be thinking, hey why’d she give her number if she wasn’t interested? She did give the rockstar her number…
Oh, and by Nabila’s request, we have some nicely framed shots of Friday’s gig. Yeah I didn’t post them earlier because I was a 56Ker for a very long time, and I wanted to be considerate.
Azmyl Yunor
Duan of Seven Collar T-shirt
Nabila Nasir the distraught poet
Shelley featuring Az
P.S. Happy birthday to the lickable Jay! Ironically, Sarah’s birthday was the day before, and she recognized Jay from my digicam.
cannot put a better picture of me isit? i think the sunday pics looked nicer 😛
Dropping a hi, feigning a dye
i’m here to..um.. thank you for your advice during my guy/girl fiasco in japan (I just read my old entries) and I’ll admit that I was one crazy sick puppy at that time
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