Crime Pays – Absolutely Must Watch

It ends when the boy gets the girl
TV is such a predictable world
And while those evil plans always get botched
I absolutely must watch
Slugs they dodge

Santa claus comes in a sleigh
His rotund frame is impossible to weigh
And if you’ve been bad you should pray
Within half-an-hour all is okay
As long as you’re in a coma
Your pulse reading becomes straight for drama
How many days is too far
That your twin makes out with your spouse in the car?

Your clothes never change at all the next day
And your hair never falls from too much hairspray
You always seem to have witty things to say

It ends when the boy gets the girl
TV is a predictable world
And while those evil plans always get botched
I absolutely must watch
Slugs they dodge

How many eons you stay
Where you’ll never return home so far away
Things revert back come what may
Background music we can see noone play
As long as they have that wide smile
You’ll discover antidotes in that vial
You know they’ve got your file
A complot will give you an unfair trial




It ends when the boy gets the girl
They claim their meeting’s just cordial
Though this rarely becomes controversial
You know there’s something special


Slugs they dodge

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