Click here to download q3albdm4! (301 KB)
I’m back with another Quake 3 Arena map! You can click on my Models page to download it, or click on the same picture above. There are no curves in this one, though, since it’s a conversion of the same map I originally made for Quake 1 (and later ported over to Quake 2).
Those of you skilled jumpers should find this map a challenge. It looks easy, yes – you can go through the entire map without jumping, but throw in a few bots and then you’re in the wrong place.
I also patched q3albdm3‘s download – I figured out why the Pure Server had to be turned off. My PK3 paths were wrong! Of course, since nobody downloaded it, I guess a patch is unnecessary. 🙁
P.S. My spots are almost gone now. 🙂