A Prick For Freedom

Today, I braved my fears.

I took the test.

I now knew for sure my fate.

I was once at high risk of getting diabetes. The doctor told me to drink plenty of water, ask for kurang manis (less sweetened) drinks, and to come back in a week to check my blood sugar levels again.

I did not come back.

I was scared.

However, I did resolve to reduce my sweet, sweet blood (kinda explains why I attract mosquitoes!)

Original Coca-Cola was my enemy.

Today, a Coca-Cola fan dragged me to a clinic. I did the test. One finger prick. 4.8. In the safe zone. Normal blood sugar levels on an empty stomach.

Normal blood sugar levels.

A prick for freedom!

I felt like a free man. I was normal, without any debilitating health problems!

Ah, good old friend, the one who has accompanied me many mornings. Teh Tarik. Tea with condensed milk.

I still think Coca-Cola is too sweet; it feels like drinking liquid sugar.

Anyone up for candy floss, chocolate fondue or lemon cheesecake?

10 thoughts on “A Prick For Freedom

  1. Minny Post author

    Watch out for COKE ZERO. Available in Australia already. It’s zero sugar but with approximately the same Coke taste unlike Diet Coke & Coke Light.

  2. Cheneille Post author


    i cannot believe i’m going to say this, but you sound like one of those damn kesian little boys lah ahahhahaah

  3. Albert Ng Post author

    Minny: I eagerly await it.

    Silencers: Er, see how lah. I don’t have a sweet tooth anymore. 🙁

    Cheneille: The style was intended. Thank you for being amused.

    Titoki: On the contrary.

  4. Matthew Post author

    my friend works in Permanis, he agreed to supply you with 1 year’s supply of any carbonated drink of your choice…wahaha


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