In A Food Mood

And now, for another rare subject on my blog – food!

Left column, top to bottom: How many bottles of beer on the ramp?; you can tell by the shadow that it’s happy hour; Mecca Cola for those who think Coca Cola is unholy.
Right column, top to bottom: Guess how big this cup is; mixed-up buttered kaya-dripping peanut-spread breads with swapped toppings; the obscenely thick layer of butter on my mixed-up order at Wong Kok Char Chan Teng.

O’briens, sandwiches for the health-conscious.

Vivo American Pizza serves not so obscenely strong-tasting turkey ham and mushroom cheese baked rice. My favorite! It has now become the only place I figure is worth my money in The Curve, really.

Somewhere in Dang Wangi…

…lies a window, that is on the side of…

Yut Kee, excellent non-halal pork-tinged Chinese food. Top-right: toast; bottom-right: roti babi (pig bread).

Got a craving, but don’t want to finish a snack in one go? Lengthen the life of your snack by getting something hot, like Lays Stax Barbecue flavor (their Vinegar flavor lasted a few snacking sessions because of its sourness!) Don’t forget to balance it with fire extinguishers in case it gets too hot for your tongue.

Alright, so I couldn’t resist taking yet another picture of the moon… cake.

All this blogging about food has made the hamsters hungry.

10 thoughts on “In A Food Mood

  1. budokid Post author

    my hamster does that too..break out of jail attempts every single day. or maybe the cage paint is tasty? hmmm…


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