There Ain’t No Such Thing…

Hello Albert, I am Evonne ah. I am calling from Prudential ah, I got your number from your friend. Do you have a minute ah?

Yeah I do. What’s up?

AhIamcallingregarding wehavethisfinancialplan whichisnoobligationswan Iwilljusttaketenminutesofyourtime toexplaintoyouah…

Whoa whoa can you speak slowly please?

Ah this one is no obligations financial plan…

Financial plan you say? I have no money at the moment…

Oh no no don’t worry I just tell you then plan only and then…

Oooh so will you buy me lunch?

Ya ya definitely so I just need you to hear me for ten minutes. Where do you work?

Bukit Jalil, All Asia Broadcast Center…

Oh so can we meet at the cafeteria there?

Er, not nice lah the food there. Wait how did you get my number?

Your friend gave me your number.

What’s my friend’s name?

Er that one I cannot tell your friend made me promise that I cannot tell.

I tell you what. I will layan you, listen to your plan. All you gotta do is tell me who my friend is. Don’t worry I won’t scold this person. I am just curious, to know if it’s for real and not that you got my number from somewhere else.

Okay lah I will call your friend and ask if I can tell. Thank you ah bye!

And so, I had my breakfast in peace. Then, I received a message:

“Hi albert . . sorry as i cannot mention my fren name .. probably still ur decision thanks”

“Don’t tell my friend that you told me! Haha. I’m up for lunch. All you gotta do is tell me the name.”

“is ok . . nice talking to u . . have a nice day ahead . . i need to attend my lunc appointment in kl”

“Nice going, I actually do have quite a bit of savings but I won’t tell anybody unless I hear a good plan worth investing in. Oh well.”

“ok . . good to hear that”

DAMMIT, what’s a guy to do to get a free lunch?

8 thoughts on “There Ain’t No Such Thing…

  1. Asyraf Lee Post author

    I hate these fuckers.

    They think they are smarter.


    Always reminds me of tok bomohs who can <i>tarik</i> money though they are actually poor.

    More heh.

  2. mrs jeff buckley Post author

    i got one on a freakin sunday. Sounds like the same chick with the fast-talkin bazooka on the run

  3. Jen Post author

    well you could have just taken the free lunch then interrogate her over the dessert or something. attack her when she’s weakest. heh..

  4. Dr. Tan Post author

    Yes can jor!

    Alright, I hate it when people get cryptic at my and think they cannot tell me shits.

  5. Albert Ng Post author

    Dr. Tan: YAY!

    Asyraf: Be smart, tarik them too. 😀

    Janice Depp: MMM yes. Though I think I should get a better deal for what she’s asking. 😀

    mrs jeff buckley: Let’s triangulate the identity by looking at our common friends on Friendster!

    Jen: Argh. Well, you know what to do when you get in a similiar situation.

    Matthew: Damn you!


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