Rock The World 9 Part Four!

26th December 2009: Rock The World 9 at Bukit Jalil! Julian Mokhtar plays the blues on a beautifully scalloped fretboard.

Slowjaxx. Not quite sure of the distinction between this and Stoned Revivals, though.

Monoloque takes Kadak and Loko of the Butterfingers and adds a few more for a refreshing musical experience.

Everybody wants to joget!

Labrat is Syahrul of Love Me Butch, and family! (Yes that is his wife in the bottom-left panel.)

Otam who always sounds like he walked out of a juke joint.

The Times! They did a cover of The Who – My Generation.

Skudap Skudip were in white to play ska.

This is how you start to crowd surf.

This is not how you start to crowd surf.

This is Jose Thomas, amazing shredder.

Saturnine, remember them? “And halllfff of meee is good enough!

Auburn, borrowing members of Tempered Mental.

Bleeding Mascara is the metal.

All that is missing is a full moon.


Car Crash Hearts. Because guitars are not meant to be slung low.

Friends, Romans, countrymen!

Guitar up more Mr. Soundman who is behind the drumset!

Republic Of Brickfields. I missed Amy Search coming on stage to sing along to their cover of Balada Pemusik Jalanan! Darn missed oppurtunities when running between 3 stages!

Sorry Bo, I missed your set. 🙁

Y2K is still going strong past Y2K, playing punk covers!

Rashdan Harith yeah!

Pop Shuvit yeah!

AJ on bass. It’s nice to see that they’ve maintained their lineup like, forever. Minus Point Blanc that is.

The Otherside Orchestra and a drummer engulfed in smoke.

Karen Nunis Blackstone and a couple of haunting tunes.


and Nizam P. They have the funnest Malay songs ever.

Sweet-voiced Yuna.

More pictures here:
Rock The World 9 Part Three!
Rock The World 9 Part Two!
Rock The World 9 Part One!

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