Five Years Now


Jing dragged me to Kelana Jaya for a birthday dinner. The place had plenty of funky curry servings, but to be safe, I would pick a less stomach-contorting fish and chip meal. Turns out the coleslaw was cold and funky.

Later at Midvalley, Syefri and I queued for entry into the Lord Of The Rings Marathon at 11pm. Nope, there were no pajama-clad people trying to win free stuff. However, before the movie started, some dude said the Subaru ticket winners would have a free buffet… Supper? Clap! Hooray!

What say me?

I stayed well awake for the interesting Fellowship Of The Ring (3 hours 30 minutes), anticipating each scene with just the right amount of enthusiasm. (No ARWEN!!! giggly screams…) I read attentively up to the part where the hobbits bump into a Nazgul, and read somewhat until they meet Strider, so it wasn’t so bad.

The Two Towers (3 hours 44 minutes) was a bit too subdued at the beginning, and I was waiting for the scene to change. Syefri snored. Hear that, Ed!

Proud to have stayed awake so far, I bought Teh Tarik, having the sleepless dragging torture of the second.

That did not help. Figuring I’d be able to see it again soon, Return Of The King (3 hours 20 minutes) had me sleeping during the starting war (and preparing-for-war) scenes. I didn’t know who or where or what anymore. Some dude would just take a horse to this kingdom/country/place and call for reinforcements, and he would be the heir. I’d even confuse Eowyn for Galadriel.

I’d catch some winks when I hear whooshes, and open my eyes when the sound changed. Gollum and gang would still be in the same place, so I knew I didn’t miss anything!

What about the ending? Why would ghost pirates suddenly come out so conveniently? (Orlando Bloom was in Pirates Of The Caribbean too… coincidence?) Why didn’t they just call upon them and wipe out the KISS-inspired Uruk-hai?

Someone said the war scenes were emotionally draining, but alas, they were all too fast for my eyes. All that motion blur! All that registered in my head were the whooshes.

It wasn’t butt-numbing, it was leg-cramping. I wished I had more leg room. This, coming from a vertically-challenged person.

Please don’t convince me to watch any part of the trilogy again. It was too daunting in one seating! (Okay, so maybe a Gold Class ticket might convince me…)

At 10:20am, I walked out, a free man, welcomed by the huge queue for the movie I just watched. Syefri and I complimented each other loudly and proudly about our 680 minute adventure.

I went home, slept like 15 minutes, and headed off to SAITO to meet Dustyhawk. We bummed around a bit before I went to KLCC Park for Rock The World 4.

The ticket-less crowd hovered over the barricades, toppling it over impatiently. We waited until their technical difficulties were over, and I greeted Hassan the All-Access-Pass-bearer. “Hassan! Shaz was in Pangkor so he didn’t get us media passes!”

Pan Global Insurance gave out bright neon-colored T-shirts for the moshers, but I took a blue one nevertheless to add to my free-T-shirt wardrobe.

There was no noticeable problem with the sound throughout the show. Fantastic! OAG’s show, starting with the must-jump 60’s TV, ended right after that song as the front stage barricade crashed.

Syefri, Aznin, Michelle and I ate a long dinner at KLCC, to come back much later to discover that the show was still on hold.

Highlights? Prana having the jumpiest funk mosh-core, causing some poor dude to twist his leg. Butterfingers, for something new. Of course there were many other notables, but that shall be reserved for a proper review.


I bought an Alcatel SpeedTouch 510 ADSL modem and router with 4 ports for RM300 at PC Fair 2003, PWTC. No comment on it, since I had yet to test it. 🙁


Er, I blogged about my weekend.

8 thoughts on “Five Years Now

  1. Alex Post author

    I know this sounds late but Happy Big 20!!

    RM300 for a Model Router + Switch is a good deal. I got my D-Link Router Modem Standalone for a pricey RM280.

    Hehehe.. Mr. Poyo was busy in Pangkor. Got his message bragging about it too!

  2. justine Post author

    our marathon (at pyramid) not only had chicks in their nighties, but people bringing their pillows, bolsters and even some maggoty looking stuffed toys. twas fun but I never wanna do it again!

  3. lionel Post author

    i was there when i saw the front barricades gave way. it had to happen, with the insane pushing from behind going on. idiots, idiots

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