Trashed Three

And now, for the answer to the second instalment of the Guess That Trashcan series.

The trashed trashcan was on the island between Lot 10 Plaza and Sungei Wang Plaza. You’d see it if you crossed the road on Bukit Bintang Road.

Stephanie Foo answered “Bintang Walk” correctly, again. Since I can’t think of anything else to pimp you about I’ll just buy you Teh O the next time okay? 😀 (Or the equivalent in whichever place we happen to meet.)

I’m beginning to wonder if you have an affixation with trashcans, but hey it’s good to be observant.

cyber-red gets a close second place for guessing one half of it, “Lot 10“. Titoki gets 1/10th for guessing the other half – “Sg wang“, but she also threw in 4 other guesses, so we divide that half-right guess by five, and 1/10th accuracy gets you no pimpin’ link. Sorry.

Oh, and here’s Part 3.

P.S. I hope this series will subconsciously make Malaysians remember to throw their trash in trashcans.

17 thoughts on “Trashed Three

  1. Steph Post author

    Haha !! I was just guessing actually 😛 And yeah !! that’s subang parade’s bin 🙂 but im late ! haha !!

  2. tina Post author

    lol. see the tiles and the colour of the trash can.. people in subang so know laaa… slinky practically lives across the road from subang parade.. -_-‘

    hor uncle hoong?? =P

  3. M.Y. Post author

    i was so gonna guess subang parade except that everyone else got here first. do subang natives get brownie points for guessing??

  4. tina Post author

    subang parade renovated the inside meh?? hmm best place in the whole of parade is swensens.. the days spent there after exams in collage for the immediate healing/pre-partying session was the bomb!

    subang parade very nostalgic la. ish..

    uncle hoong! what happened to going to friendster cafe ar?? must go when I get back this time arrrr!!!

  5. Albert Ng Post author

    I went there just last week, and yes, they were renovating, but these trashcans and tiles were still around. I remember Toys R Us being downstairs, and those funky glass tube elevators.

    M.Y. you uh… get a free hug!

    Matthew: Take a picture to prove you have another one exactly like that near your house. I don’t know where you live.


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