Berjaya Crossing

Ah, who does not remember crossing the road from Berjaya Times Square to… the rest of Bintang Walk?

Sure, there’s the monorail bridge, but who’d walk up there?

We’d cross the road, braving the speeding jammed up cars.

Then they built fences in the middle, under the monorail.

Of course, there was always a hole; in front of Imbi Plaza, there was a gap between a pillar and fence, where we’d see people professionally walk sideways through and continue their mad dash. A slightly bigger gap could be found down the road.

All this changed, however, when I suppose, one day the big guys at Berjaya built another pedestrian bridge.

Awesomeness. Perfect to attract the crowds were escalators, and it led right into Berjaya Times Square where the elevators were. It was even air-conditioned! There were iron curtains, to signify shoplots. Smart business decision, this.

Now this is for people who have been tormented by York ceiling-mounted air-conditioning units. If you’ve ever froze in an office, you’d look up and see a York. In fact, you’d only see York as far as ceiling air-cond units went. Heck, you could probably smell York. So when I saw this, a different brand, I was overjoyed. It also smelt different, and very nice. Very nice and fresh.

11 thoughts on “Berjaya Crossing

  1. Asyraf Lee Post author

    Idiots. The purpose of that bridge is for them to use, for the sake of their safety.

    Maybe they should a BIG sign board at the road divider saying

    "I’m an idiot who crossed the road not using the bridge, but through this hole that I made so that other cars can hit me, so please do hit me coz i’m a total idiot"

    That should work I guess

  2. Ray Post author

    apparently, few days back we saw this guy got banged by a motorcycle while crossing that particular road…

  3. Slinky Post author

    Whaoh wait.. Since when did those people actually erect the bridge !? Goes to show how long I have not been to KL liao ;S

  4. KJ Post author

    kewlness ah.. ur photography’s gettin better.. hehe =P
    watsup and hi..
    anyway.. the bridge’s awesome.. haven’t ‘visited’ it yet.. hehe =P


  5. Matthew Post author

    there’s a pedestrian crossing? really? u mean like really? haha…gotta try it some day…let’s see if cracks appear after 3 months 😛

  6. Fird Post author

    Oh my, yes you’re damn right about York’s Freezing ceilling mounted aircond! I had to be frozen everyday for full 10 hours x.x

  7. tina Post author

    there’s a bridge?? damn! i was one of them idiots who cross that damn road! UNDER THE MCCB SCROTCHING SUN AND CRAZY MALAYSIAN DRIVERS!..



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