And now, for the finale of the Bandung company trip; we had to stop by Jakarta while waiting for our flight because we had to check out of the hotel.
But first, a final breakfast buffet.
The Vivitar Series 1 28-105mm F2.8-3.8 lens is blistering sharp at 105mm F8. The bokeh gets better then, too.
A possible gig venue.
Bronze men pump your water.
A&W in Jakarta is weird; their root beer float ice-cream does not float! Very wrongly done.
I tried to make a long exposure on the travelator. While bending down and holding the camera, the travelator stopped! I think it had an optical sensor at a certain height.
My ex-boss, JFK, the guy I owe a lot to. He has exposed me to so many things and continues to pimp me to oppurtunities.
Relaxing in the executive lounge of Jakarta Airport.
Pimpin’. Thanks JFK for getting us in!
Shaz steals my camwhoring moment on the plane.
Spot the air stewardess!
Richard having a quiet read.
50mm F1.4 ISO400 at a whopping 1.3 seconds. Hooray for my Sony Alpha 100’s SuperSteadyShot!
Customs crushed my new Vivitar Series 1 28-105mm F2.8-3.8 lens box. Thank goodness they didn’t take the receipt, and that the lens was with me. No biggie, since I was intending to keep the lens anyway.
Part 4: Bisa Kamera
Part 3: Whirled Canoe
Part 2: Ban Dung
Part 1: On A Plane
I hate the customs! They are sooo rude, if they are the passengers , would they like their package or luggage end up looking like that? they need brain implant or something.
gasp! how rude of the customs??! are they allow to rip open ur packages…
YESSS YESSS rip them brains apart like they did my package! RIPSSS RIPSSS!
(Pardon my psycho moment for a bit.)
Maybe they should rename it as A&W Sink instead… =)